
General information

Creating new tags and assigning them to contents

Editing tags

Deleting tags

lexiCan allows you to define tags and assign them to articles, files and references. Tags can be used to subsume articles, references and files under specific terms and can be found via full text search. However, they are not a prerequisite for finding content via full-text search; they are a supplementary structuring. In this context, also read Categorize Articles / Assign Features to Articles and, in any case, the article for full-text search.


All tags are listed in a separate list with the number of assigned articles, sources and files in the Navigation Pane.



If you select a tag from the list, lexiCan displays all contents assigned to the tag in a tab next to the navigation pane, e.g.



General information

Tags can be used to subsume articles, references and files under specific terms and can be found via full text search. However, they are not a prerequisite for finding content via full-text search; they are a supplementary structuring. In this context, also read Categorize Articles / Assign Features to Articles and, in any case, the article for full-text search.


Creating new tags and assigning them to contents

You can create new tags and assign them to contents at two different places in lexiCan.


a, via the navigation section "Tags"

Open the " Tags " section in the navigation pane on the left and click on " Add ".



lexiCan then creates a new entry "Neues Schlagwort" and you can change it into your own tag.



If you click on an entry in the overview of tags, lexiCan shows you in a tab which contents the tag is assigned to.



To make further assignments from here, click on "Add article", "Add reference" or "Add file" in the toolbar of the tab.



Using a dialog box, you can then select corresponding articles, files or references of the project.


To remove the assignment of a content to a tag, select the corresponding entry within in the tab, open the pull-down menu in the toolbar and click on "Remove selected".



b, via the Context Area of articles, references and files

For each article, reference and file a context area is available on the right hand side. There is a separate area for tags.



Enter a new tag in the text field and click on "Assign" or press the Enter key. You can assign an already existing keyword via the pull-down menu.



To delete a tag at this point, use the pull-down menu of the respective entry and click on "Remove".



Editing tags

To edit a tag, first open the overview in the navigation pane, select the corresponding entry and click on "Edit" in the toolbar of the tab.



You can then change the tag. Click on "Save" to save your change.



Deleting tags

A tag can also be deleted completely including its assignments of course. To do this, select the relevant entry in the overview, open the pull-down menu on the right in the toolbar and click on "Delete".



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